Here you can know a little more about who we are and what can we do for your business.

About Us

We're JPP-IT, an argentinean company specialized in providing Integrated Technological Services, proposing a package of customized solutions, which drastically revolutionizes the way to provide IT Services.

Our history begins on January 16th of 2001, in a little office located in Avellaneda ceded "ad honorem" by our family who trusted in our project. Archieving in a very short time to build a portfolio of customers that allowed us to grow professionally in an uninterrupted way.

Actually our Headquarters has 300 m2 for Offices and from there, together with a work team stretegically distributed thoughout Argentina, we provide services to small, medium and big companies, government and NGOs with the same service quality assurance.

Our team it's composed by professionals with the main desire to be useful to the customers, providing knowledge, experience and innovative ideas, at the same time of being highly qualified to manage technological projects of different complexities, in a market of high demand like current.

Our mission is to provide solutions with high added value, prioritizing the quality assurement of the service together with the speed of response to contingencies and the confidentiality of the information. The honesty and the commitment with the client distinguish us. Human Capital is the crown jewel of our company.

In today's digital era, the most important equity for any organization, without discriminating activity, is their information. Therefore, a company without investment in technology is a company without potential for growth.

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IT Outsourcing

For today's organizations, have quality solutions it's critical, without discriminating its field, activity or size.

Get real-time information for decision-making, business opportunities related to technology and have a scalable infrastructure to know the needs of the organization are increasingly important aspects.

One of the objectives of the technological outsourcing is to allow organizations to adapt to the increasingly changing needs of the market and bring new business opportunities.

That is why we provide a full outsourcing service, so that your organization can centralize all aspects related to the Technology area in us, with highly trained IT personnel in full-time, part-time mode or on-demand.

Technical Support

Preventive and corrective hardware maintenance. Installation and configuration of computer networks. Replacement of components and installation and software configuration.


Analysis of your infrastructure requirements. Optimization of existing resources and consulting about infrastructure investments.

Virtual CIO

Have an IT Manager without the risks of hiring new staff.


Licensed and Open Source software. Development of customized applications and interfaces. Administration and Management of Licenses.

IT Consulting

Advice in decision-making. Generation of business opportunities. Selection and supply of specialized human resources.

Contact Center's Consulting

Technological advice. Costs reduction. Increased productivity. Process improvement. Job position's Optimization.

IT Security Auditors

Risk Analysis. Disaster Recovery Protocols. Data Protection Methodologies (GDPR).

Government, medium and big companies Services

Mastering and massive migration of computers. Servers and mastering techniques support.

Nationwide coverage

We have a work team strategically distributed in the main cities of each of the Argentinean provinces, for a fastest and effective response capacity.

We design for your company each proposal
exclusively with a highly low cost.

All our solutions are Premium level and reduces an average of 80% technical incidents in any organization.

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Our Solutions

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These are some of the organizations that trust in our work.

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